For User

BeeUp provides a unique opportunity to solve real issues facing real companies. It also presents an opportunity to build a valuable professional network. We want solving case studies to be an enjoyable experience. Working on case studies should be rewarding, especially considering that your ideas for solutions could well be adopted and put into action by a real organisation. Another compelling reason to work on case studies is to widen your business knowledge and experience. In today's job market it is imperative to acquire application-orientated knowledge and to have a functioning professional network. BeeUp can help you gain both of these, and contribute to your overall personal development. Finally, it should be stressed that BeeUp’s service is completely free. You contribute by taking the time to solve the case studies.
You can begin using BeeUp by finding a case study that matches your interests. Before you start working on the case study, there are some case-specific multiple-choice questions that you’ll need to answer. The answers to these questions can be found in the background materials. All the next steps are detailed in the instructions for the particular case study.