Future needs of businesses

Picture source: Christian Schnettelker.

Mr. Floyd is the Chief Business Developer of an international consulting company, "Global Partners". In order to stay competitive, he spends a lot of time thinking about the future of the company. As part of this approach, he seeks to understand what the future needs of the company's clients will be. 


But the future is hard to predict and he needs your help. 


This could be a high-reward challenge for you. Not only could you win a monetary prize, you might also be selected to bring your ideas to life and implement them directly under the supervision of the top-management team of an internationally operating consulting company. Whether this is a job, internship or project – it may kick-start your career.


In any case, this challenge presents you with an opportunity to work with top-managers and understand the methods they use. As you develop solutions, you will earn points towards your BeeUp certificate (sample), which serves as a recognition of your proficiency in business.

Language: English, German
Contents: Business Model Canvas, Creativity Techniques, Foresight
Industry: Service

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